Returns and exchanges

You can request a return or exchange for one or more products by completing this return form within 14 days of the date you received your parcel.

Make sure that the items are in the same condition in which you have received them with the identification tag and seal intact.

Put the items that you want to return or exchange in a box, preferably the original one, and make sure that it is properly sealed.

Attach the pre-printed and pre-paid return label that was inside your original package to the box. If you have lost your return label, please contact our customer service team.

Contact DHL to arrange pick-up for the package at

Your refund will be issued as soon as the return has been received and checked by our warehouse. Norm&CO. reserves the right not to accept returns that have not been properly requested or shipped within the returns time limit or if they are not in the same condition in which they were delivered

We also remind you that if you decide to return the product without using the DHL label supplied by Norm&CO. the return shipping costs will be at your expense and will not be refunded.

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